Saturday, December 5, 2009

Feelin' Some Kinda Way

As I was wasting away in my Commercial Drafting class one afternoon, my attention was averted to a celebrity gossip blog. Despite the fact that I don't like the disparagement that takes place or the mean spirited renaming of certain celebrities, I type in the link faithfully everyday and scroll through the day's postings. Why? I don’t know, nor do I have an explanation for this love/hate relationship. But on this faithful day, one particular posting caught my attention. “Home Wrecker Keys” it said, of course I have to "pop the top" to read about her latest indiscretion. So I read and read, and I then begin to feel “some kinda way.” But I wonder, do I have a right to feel “some kinda way?” I mean, he isn’t my husband, I know none of the parties personally. I could legitimately not agree with the behavior, but should that translate to me changing the station when I hear her song on the radio? I mean, I'm bought to buy C.Breezy’s album next week (I know, I know, but I will explain that in my next blog). Why can’t I listen to Alicia? I mean I have friends that have been involved with married men, and although I expressed my disdain, disappointment, and disapproval of the affair; I by no means want them to suffer public condemnation. I mean shouldn’t I be mad at Alicia if her indiscretion was related to what she does for a living, i.e. she really can’t sing or play the piano and has been pulling a Milli Vanilli this whole time. Do I have the right to feel some kinda way about her personal decisions? We are not friends, all I did was buy an album? Does buying her album also transfer a right to judgment? I don’t think it does, but I still feel some kinda way…

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